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Increased risk of retinopathy in children with Type 2 Diabetes

A study recently published in JAMA Opthalmology reveals that children with Type 2 diabetes are at greater risk of developing retinopathy when compared to children with Type 1 diabetes.

Declining eyesight may be helped with deep red light therapy

A study recently published in the Scientific Reports reveals that staring at a deep red light for only three minutes can significantly restore diminishing eyesight. The treatment is only effective if administered in the morning and the improvements [...]

New drug for dry AMD shows promise in trials

Allegro Ophthalmics revealed data from their phase 2a study of their drug risuteganib in treating patients with intermediate dry age-related macular degeneration.

New wet AMD treatment shows promise in phase 3 study

A new therapy for the treatment of wet age-related macular degeneration is showing good safety and efficacy after completing the phase 3 study. Researchers compared the new drug, ONS-5030 (bevacizumab - vikg) against ranibizumab in a 12 month NORSE [...]

Type 2 diabetes is more difficult to control when diagnosed at a young age

Type 2 diabetes is much harder to control and is more aggressive when diagnosed in a person's youth. A recent study conducted by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease offered revealing insights regarding Type 2 diabetes.

Researchers take a look at stem cell therapy as possible glaucoma treatment

Currently, a national research project is underway that is looking into the possibility that stem cell therapy could be used as a treatment for glaucoma. Glaucoma is the second leading cause of vision loss in the world.

Anti-depressant may be effective in slowing macular degeneration

Researchers have identified the common antidepressant fluoxetine (Prozac) as a direct NLRP3 inhibitor to treat dry age-related macular degeneration. NLRP3 and ASC are inflammasome components that are known to be factors in the development of macular [...]

New dry eye drops for postmenopausal women

Women experience dry eye symptoms at a higher incidence than men. Postmenopausal women are a particularly higher risk of developing symptoms. Researchers believe this points to the involvement of hormones in the progression of the disease, and have [...]

Doctors discover ophthalmoplegic migraine is not really a migraine

Ophthalmoplegic migraine is an extremely rare condition that was previously thought to be a type of migraine, but doctors discovered that it is actually a nerve problem that affects the eyes.
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Ultimate insiders Guide to Eye Health

Newly updated popular book by Dr. Paul Krawitz - now available as a FREE DOWNLOAD. Includes AREDS2 study results and explanations, the 'Ultimate Insider's Guide to Eye Health" contains critical information about common eye problems, including macular degeneration, dry eye syndrome, cataract surgery, diabetic retinopathy, and contact lenses.

Get this ebook now