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The Art of Synesthesia

Last week, I was reading an article written about a 28 year-old artist from Kansas City, Missouri who claims that she can see music in colors. She makes a living painting pictures for people of their favorite songs.

Crying in the Eye Doctor's Office

Some days, working as a Technical Coordinator for a high level Ophthalmologist in the New York area can be quite emotional. The word "Tears" comes up quite frequently in my daily routine. "My eyes tear too much" "My eyes feel dry, like I have no [...]

January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month

Known as the "silent sneak of sight" because it causes no pain or symptoms until it is in its late stages, glaucoma is a prevalent and devastating visual disease.
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Ultimate insiders Guide to Eye Health

Newly updated popular book by Dr. Paul Krawitz - now available as a FREE DOWNLOAD. Includes AREDS2 study results and explanations, the 'Ultimate Insider's Guide to Eye Health" contains critical information about common eye problems, including macular degeneration, dry eye syndrome, cataract surgery, diabetic retinopathy, and contact lenses.

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