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Ophthalmology Takes on Congress

More than 400 ophthalmologists belonging to the American Academy of Ophthalmology traveled to Washington. DC, to meet with their local members of Congress. The purpose of this trip was to make the lawmakers aware of the unnecessary roadblocks many [...]

How Safe are Eyelash Extensions?

One of today's hottest trends is eyelash extensions. What fashion-forward woman would not want to wake up with long beautiful lashes, kissing the mascara wands goodbye? But this luxury does not come without potential risks. Eyelash extensions have [...]

LASIK does NOT cause Depression

Recently, there was a news story about a young, beautiful meteorologist who took her own life after suffering the side effects from SMILE eye surgery. SMILE stands for "small incision lenticular extraction," in which the vision is corrected by [...]

The Art of Synesthesia

Last week, I was reading an article written about a 28 year-old artist from Kansas City, Missouri who claims that she can see music in colors. She makes a living painting pictures for people of their favorite songs.

At what age is it time to turn in the car keys for good?

Eleven years ago this week, my best friend from grade school lost her son. He and his best friend were killed by an 84 year-old driver who probably should not have been behind the wheel.

Crying in the Eye Doctor's Office

Some days, working as a Technical Coordinator for a high level Ophthalmologist in the New York area can be quite emotional. The word "Tears" comes up quite frequently in my daily routine. "My eyes tear too much" "My eyes feel dry, like I have no [...]
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Ultimate insiders Guide to Eye Health

Newly updated popular book by Dr. Paul Krawitz - now available as a FREE DOWNLOAD. Includes AREDS2 study results and explanations, the 'Ultimate Insider's Guide to Eye Health" contains critical information about common eye problems, including macular degeneration, dry eye syndrome, cataract surgery, diabetic retinopathy, and contact lenses.

Get this ebook now